I haven't blogged in much too long and I really reeeeally should have.
Today, I ended my relationship with Sam.
Things had been rough after 6 months. We made it to 8. And those last few really shouldn't have happened almost.
I don't want to go into detail tonight about our decline- I just got myself to stop crying.
(Was not the greatest day of my life)
I had told everyone that "I was fine. I did the right thing, etc"
And all that is true. But I also had school to distract me from my mind thinking otherwise.
So by the time I got home, I was sitting in the bathroom bawling my eyes out feeling so alone and just panicking if I had made the right choice.
Although Blake was home I hadn't told him. I needed a friend or my dad to physically comfort me and talk to me.
I had told everyone I was okay, but I really wasn't. I hadn't truly vented yet.
Now that I have I feel better. No sense in regretting things. This is just a new beginning for me. I'm ready to see what happens. I can only hope that this change is good and gets better. (Not hard to do).
Well- I have class early in the morning. So I need to rest these swollen eyes.
But I needed to get this down into words.
Until next time.