I have to babysit in a few so I'm going to have to cut this short.
I learned how to crotchet and finished my hat. Really stoked on that.
Ugh, have to go. May be back later.
Alright so, rather than make another post all together I'm just going to add onto this one. Sorry about yesterdays.. I clearly wasn't having the best moment. But it was nice to get out. :) ha.
I'm thinking I'm not going to be attending my math class on Monday. Might not even go to my English class either. I'm not ready for my math test or the essay that is due. :|
I'm not off to the best start in my college career.... whoops.
I'll figure it out tomorrow after work when I see how much I get done.
I'm going to redye my hair within the next few weeks/days.
I was going to try a red tint {and I still plan on doing so} But not just yet. Just going to do the black again and maybe be Snow White for Halloween.
Did I mention how excited I am for Autumn? And October!
I just get in the best mood possible when I think about pumpkins and the reds and oranges in the leaves and sweaters and scarves.. oh man.. I can barely handle it and I never want this weather to end.
Welcome to the world and my family Raegan Marie. Born a few days ago by my cousin Amy. <3 |
I may or may not like you.. |
My town just got a record store. BITCHIN'. |
Friend and Coworker, Roderick. We went on an adventure around town one day after it rained and found a wonderful hole-in-the-wall record store. Won't be the last time I go in there. |
That's how I roll.
I'm really beginning to like this blog thing.