whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013



I'm a tad late with the update on whats going on lately. As you probably guessed, tis the new year.
I didn't start the Eve of the new year very well. Seriously- I was sick.

Got to work as scheduled at 10:30 and left by 12 in tears. Due to stomach pains in my ribcage and all over my stomach really, nausea, weak body etc.. I was an all round mess. I just cuddled Scout all the rest of the day up until 6:30 when I had to leave to babysit Brandon for Brittany. I fell asleep off and on that whole night. Had to set an alarm for 11 just to make sure I didn't miss the ball drop.

Because I had taken frequent naps due to not feeling well I feel as though I cheated.
I'm not sure.. my weird logic sometimes.

By the next day I felt fine. I had work off, so I was able to go to the mall for a bit with Nicole.

I had opened this morning- which meant I was AT Carolines by 5:30am.
But left by 2pm.
So after work I went o the bookstore across the street and purchased 2 novels and headed home just in time for Ellen.

Dad and I started looking for cars a tad tonight. Found 2 that we like and will call on tomorrow.
Tad excited, I just hope that good comes out of this. I want to  just get rid of Cassie and focus on a computer again. Get one thing taken care of so I can try to achieve me next goal.

I'm in a writing mood tonight. (not sure if talking to you.. Quinn..) has anything to do with it. You bring out the best of me mister. You're real. A true friend that can tell me straight up, "He's not soul mate material.. He has genital herpes."

For the first time I do believe I have gone back and reread the very first few posts I have made. Kinda hit home. I was taking so many photos with MY ACTUAL CAMERA, (it was still brand new), so the goosebumps were still fresh. But I was really happy a lot of the time, (or so it seemed). I also sounded very British..?
I had just started working at Carolines and had just started my first semester at Sierra. I wrote about a lot of people that I was close with back then and hardly speak to nowadays, which makes me sad to think about.

I  don't go back and reread posts, in fear of changing anything or worse- deleting anything all together.
I  do it too often- get upset with myself for strictly documenting the shitty parts in my day. I don't try hard enough to write down any of the happy good times. As small as they are- I still need to remember them.

I think we all could use a little happy. Just have to get over the rough spots first. 
I wish people didn't take this whole "life" thing so seriously. Or try to control people. I don't think that's fair. Parent or not. You can bring someone into this world, but after some time you must realize- as another human being yourself- that they are just that.. a someone. That has thoughts and feelings and opinions, and choices. It's only natural.

Here's to you 2013..
I'm getting carried away.
But it just feels nice to write again. Put my words into something.
I know that it is a new year, but deep down it feel no different at all yet. I've been in a haze with what month it is for the past few seasons.
I don't know what that is about.. but I need to get a severe slap in the face or something. Come back to reality and figure out what is going on with me.
I've been in a haze for far too long.
Time to switch it up before I fade away entirely and get stuck in this confusing state of grey.