Stopped by Caroline's- filled up our thermoses, and off we went.
Tobogans in the back ready to play in the snow, camera batteries filled, as well as film loaded.
Headed up Highway 49 in search of snow and beautiful scenery. Both of which we received. Granted- we didn't get to use the sleds due to lack of snow and by the time we got to areas of 6200 ft elevation it was getting too dark to use them. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
The drive up the hill was just divine, we stopped at the river to see how low it was then continued on to the dam at Bullards. Stopped and took some photos and basked in the largeness of it all.
We both have the same feelings towards large structures.
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Climbed into a bridge overlooking a beautiful river that leads to the Yuba. |
After that we got back on the road and stumbled across this huge forest with ferns between the trees and it was a no brainer we had to stop and take advantage of that. I could have stayed there all day if we could.
He had to remind me of our time management problem so we left. Continued on the road and enjoyed the beautiful white snow against the flowing river in my side of he road. At one point we had passed a opening in some trees and knew in that moment we had to turn around and take some photos there as well.
We are still making great time at this point and the day is not even close to being over. On our journey onward we passed by many little cabins you can rent out (which we will also be looking into.)
I didn't get any photos of them since I was still just so mesmerized by the day itself and all the trees and how majestic they are. Soon we passed through Downieville, which if you've never been there- which I hadn't.. then let me just tell you. It's the quaintest little town that was born for Christmas. Em and I had nicknamed it "Little Switzerland" because it was just lovely. The snow and there were still christmas light and trees out all over the streets. I was in complete awe of the tiny town.
We didn't stop and walk around due to his plans ahead. But we did stop in another small town to pee and get road food.
Emmit told me about his love for rest stops and such. And then I proceeded to ask if we had a plan or destination. It was just a few minutest later when we came across a sign that read -Road Closed- and it was covered in snow. But only for about 100 yards and with my 4WD it was no issue. It was pretty compacted and I trust Emmit to drive me safely anywhere.
Soon enough the grand finale has approached us and we sat a bit and took more photos. He had one more Christmas present for me and let me open it in front of this beautiful landscape. It was really for us, a bottle of massage oil. We had previously mentioned how nice it would be to have some actual massage oil since we give each other back rubs often.
#adventuremobile |
This isn't the end of our trip but we are getting close. We stopped at another lookout point overlooking Sierra Valley I believe. At this point we are in Sierra City and back at the small town we got food at we were long out of Nevada County. Perhaps even before that. That overlook wasn't as nice since the trees were grown fairly tall and covering a bit of the view but the whole valley was covered in snow and just looked like this tiny town in the middle of a frozen lake. Which was a beautiful idea. At this point the sky was a gorgeous plum violet.
Since the sun was setting it got quite cold and we didn't stay long. We then headed down into the snow valley lake where the Sierra Hot Springs were. We had thought about checking them out since the day before but I wasn't sure if we still wanted to. Next thing we know we are in 90º water that is completely natural. Filled with minerals and exfoliating our skin without realizing it.
We had 3 hours to soak in a number of pools but only 2 we took advantage of. It was absolutely the best way to have concluded our evening.
On our way home after drying off and warmed up in the car we passed through Downtown Truckee which was very cute with its tree-lit street. We stopped and snacked a bit and then carried on and sang to silly old songs and such while I also edited these photos.
To think about how much we did in just one day. In less than 24 hours we had done some of our most favourite things and it was just more than I could have ever asked for.
We have asked for a few days off in Late January to actually go camping just before the semester starts, that of which we are both looking forward to as well.
I better wrap this post up since I think that describes our full day.
On a separate note- Christmas was a few days ago and was nice. Small and very laid back. Nice to have a few days off to recoup and just relax. But today I plan to get some things done. Clean, return something to Ross and such.
Regardless today should be nice just from my old mood continuing onto today.
Until next time,