Tomorrow morning Em and I are driving to Oregon and I’m trying my best to contain my excitement..!!
We have been taking about this road trip for so long and now it’s finally here.
Going at it with hardly a plan and cameras near at all times.
Checking out schools and the area. Exploring. Familiarizing. Enjoying our time together most of all. Not being coworkers for a week will be so nice.
We will be there the 8th-14th.
(The 11th is our 1 year mark…….. Very much in shock) but oh so very happy.
Happy happy happy. That’s what he makes me. Just about all the time.
I’m thrilled to be in a town that
s c r e a m s autumn when the season is just starting to peak through.
I’m rambling but it’s because I’m so excited. Yeah. I’m sure you’ll hear more as the adventure happens.