whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I'm scum. I'm scum on the bottom of the Earth.

I was the designated photographer for Cole and Parker's 1st birthday.
Took hundreds of pictures..
And then this morning when Chris asked for my memory card to upload them to his computer, I, before giving it to him.. Began to go through and delete full days worth of old pictures so he wouldn't have dozens of Scout or whatever else I had taken prior to the birthday party. Without realizing it I had begun to delete images from party........

Photos of the cakes..
The party goers..
The babies..
The food..

Just about all of it.

I turned off my camera as fast as I could but it was too late. Hundreds were already gone.

I could cry. I am scum.
I didn't even have the heart to tell my aunt before I left. Just Chris.

He had told me it wasn't a big deal, but I'm heartbroken. Now we are driving home and I feel sick.