whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Holy. Shit.

I don't even want to count the days.. {maybe even months at this point} since I last posted.
Much too much has happened since I last did though. And I mean A LOT.

I've been doing okay though.I think because it's October. And this just so happens to be my favourite month. I told myself on the 1st that nothing could bring me down this month. Because it really feels like Autumn and that is my favourite season. nothing can/should go wrong in the next 31 days. Right?
Meh.. debatable.

I guess I should kinda do a timeline type thing. {For the future me reading this.} So I won't get completely confused while rereading my past.
 Good grief.. I don't really want to type out all that has happened. Mainly because one thing-a major thing- I'm still deciding if it really happened or not. Which I suppose I don't really get to decide that or not.

On September 9, 2012 at approximately 1:20am I had sex. 
For the first time.

It wasn't my 'meaningful', 'storybook' night or anything like that. 
I was house sitting that night for my dad's best friend. I had a morning shift that day (Sunday) and he came in to work and got his usual cinnadough bagel, mentos and whatnot. We had spoken before but not much. Just the casual chit-chat. He never stayed long since he had to get back to work up the street.
That morning I was on the register ringing him up, and he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down his number. So I grabbed another and gave him mine.
"No, I don't need it," he said.
"You're going to text me."

"Nope, I don't do that. I'm old fashioned," I said to him as I gave him my note.

And that's where Ryan began. 

Not much conversation.
Asked me if I was busy tonight, and since I was house sitting- I said no.
We went to a movie.
The Words.
It was really good.
And then went and got coffee at The Curly Wolf.

Mistake Number 1.
Cru was there. Just as I thought he would be.
He took me there for the first time the night before. When I spent the night at his house. (not the first time.)
I was actually full on expecting to have sex with Cru that night. The 8th.
And it never happened, and I was slightly disappointed- but fine with that.
I wasn't "trying to fill the void" that I didn't get with Cru the night before with Ryan the next. Not in the slightest. I was not expecting to do anything like that with Ryan.
But we did and that's okay.
As aqward as it was to walk past Cru into the cafe at 11:00pm with a friend of his- I still did. And it was just fine. Sorta.
I felt bad. Like I had just fucked myself over. 
Lost all my chance with Cru. 

Ryan and I chatted a bit while he had coffee. I felt sick.
Then we finally got the guts to walk past Cru and strolled around Nevada City for a few minutes.
walked back to his truck and then he took me back to my car.

We got to talking a bit more. and then kissed. More kissing and we got closer.
He asked if I wanted to go somewhere.
I didn't really know what he meant by that but I said yes.

Mistake Number 2.
I don't really like calling it a mistake though. It wasn't. What happened happened. And I'm content with that.
Looking back, of course I wish I hadn't had sex for the first time with someone I didn't really know very well, on the first date, and in a truck.
All things I can't change. So I accept it.

I got to the house I was watching by 2am..  showered. and went to sleep for 3~ hours.
I had the morning shift technically that day.
Thank God Courtney was working that morning. I felt more sick about everything than I ever have about anything. More for the fact that I had just had sex for the first time. I could no longer call myself a virgin. That was something I took pride in. Something I would blatantly tell people and borderline rub in their face.
Now I had lost all that in one night.
And I was worried I had lost Cru too..
I felt like I had cheated- although we have no label at all other than friends.
I cried to Courtney for a solid 6 minutes. Give or take.
And I learned things about her that I didn't know before.
I got all my feelings out and felt so much better.
Cru doesn't know to this day- and wont ever know.
I'm still planning on having sex with him and soon.
He will be my first. 
He will have meaning.

Yes there are small details about Ryan I am withholding for now. But I will get to them another night.

Bigger News 
Thursday October 4th, at 11am
I did get my tattoo.
It wasn't nearly as painful as i thought it would be.. THANK GOODNESS.
And I could not be more pleased with it.
(well- I could.. but I'll explain that another day too.)

Dad had ignored me for about 4 days straight. Full on cold shoulder, avoiding eye contact, silent treatment, etc. The works. He was being the child in the situation and I was carrying on with my normal routine acting like myself. I think we are finally getting on better terms.
*Knock on wood*

Alright. Well I think I've covered the major/important information that has happened.
If I can think of anything else I will blog later tonight {unlikely} or within the next few days.
I think I was just letting it all soak in fr myself before I put down into words the whole idea of it.

Once it is down on paper, it's forever. concrete.

And now that I have it out of my system I can blog again. 
Which has been very necessary with all the drama and bullshit I've been dealing with. But I knew that I couldn't write about those bullshit feeling I was just feeling without writing about all the bullshit I'd done that still had yet to be written.

Good. I thought you would.

Alright- I'm really leaving this time. Goodnight, and Que Sera, Sera.