whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Monday, May 19, 2014


One final down. Feel pretty okay about it. It was intro to digital art and design. There were one or two parts I could have done but all in all I did it. We critique in Monday. And it's required to show up. It's shitty but oh well.

Currently sitting in the clinic to get more birth control.

Don't have asl today since Sophie and I have our final tomorrow. So she will stay the night tonight and we will practice telling our stories again. We are so close.

Kinda odd that we are just about done. Wednesday- then freedom.


I took scout on a fantastic walk this morning. Just followed the NID but not right off Liquidambar. We walked where Emmit and I had explored before I had moved in. We went pretty far, I'd hope it was at least a mile but I think it was probably more. So let's say 2, that means I walked 4 all together. There were some absolutely g o r g e o u s spots. I want to take photos out in the woods there. Just outside the trail itself.
There were these trees that just stood out. So graceful and the light hit them just right. It was breathtaking.
I just wanted everyone to see it. Especially Emmit. Soon we will walk there and I'll show him what I saw.

It's so nice to have that just in my backyard. I'm lucky.