whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Today was such a good day! Work was great. Beau and Kelly are practically my favourite people on the planet and our shift was filled with big laughs.

Then I presented my speech to class and it went really really well! I'm happy with my outcome and I surprisingly got fairly emotional.
Plans changed and Em and I didnt go to SF after class. It would have been too late by the time we got there. So planning on leaving early in the morn and getting there before he has to work at 2:30. Spending the morning/afternoon with my favourite boy in one of my favourite cities doesn't sound half bad.
Then meeting up with Nat and Kelly and we will gallavant the streets of SF and take photos and have a wonderful time. That night we shall stay with her grandma and come back Saturday evening since I work Sunday morning. 

Sounds like a great 2 days off to me, no?

Tonight since we didn't go to SF- Brian, Emmit, and myself all had a beer at Three Forks and then pizza at Pete's. There we then played Heads Up- and the room was filled with more big laughs. I sure love those boys.
Since Emmit and I have such an early morning planned we then headed back to the car and on our way home. 

I washed my face, did my excercises (and added a few more reps to some things to test myself) and then hopped in bed. Which then takes us to present time and where we are now.

I better head to bed soon, just waiting for a goodnight text from Em letting me know he got his phone charger from Kyle and is home safe.