whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Friday, October 30, 2015


Just ordered a new camera. Full frame. With a good lens and 4 year protection warrenty. 

Just over $2000.. Gone in a click of a button.
But I've sold a car and have been saving for too long. I deserve this. It will be my forever camera. I'm thrilled and have a sharp pain in my chest. This is a good thing. This is a good thing.

And I'll sell my camera and lenses that I can't use and I'll get over half of what I paid back. Not to mention I get paid in a day or so.
I'm not right in money. If anything before I clicked that button I (had) the most money if ever had. Rounding down I had at least $9000. I have plenty to buy a car, camera, and still be fine to move to Portland. Plus I still have until after May to save back up. And with this camera I'll have more inspiration to get back into shooting and making money that way.
Maybe I should think about ordering one of those credit card squares that plugs into your phone.. Now that I have a new nice one people will take me seriously.
All things to consider..

But, I should be excited. I don't care if dad thinks this is a waste of money or shouldn't be a priority right now- it is. And should be. And I'm an adult that's managing my money wisely damnit.

So there.