No work today, thank goodness. I'm getting a cold and not too sure how much more work I could handle.
Last night wasn't too great for Austin. He was pretty upset about life so here I am using the Starbucks free wifi seeing him and making sure he is okay. I guess work for him isn't going fairly well either.
Poor chap. I'm glad we are friends and hanging out more often. He really is a great person.
I also made a new friend, Ben. He seems really nice too. And you gotta love them choir boys! Haha at least I do.
Things are going preeeetty shitty with my dad and I though.
We have maybe said a grand total of 3 sentences in the past 2 days.
He really isn't happy with me. But you know I'm okay. I had a talk with my sister and she helped me decide that I'm done hiding things. And not acting my age about my decisions.
If I get tattoos or any more piercings, I'm going I get them. I'm going to own up to them. And be proud.
Dad and whoever else can accept it for what it is.
I'm really sorry that my life decisions have had to go about this way, I need to stop making assumptions about my dad (although I'm sure they are still right) but then again, he may be beginning to be more open about things. I think that I am helping him open his eyes to other forms of art or expressionism. He needs to see that there is more out there than country life.
We shall see how it goes.
Maybe this year will be different. I know that there is some of the same patterns happening but I'm reacting to them in a different way.
This is good.
Like they always say,
"this too shall pass."