whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Friday, May 24, 2013


I'm just plain exhausted. Summer break is officially here and how do I spend my first day? Covering a longer shift for fucking Corrie. Who may or may not be sick in my opinion.
Everyone keeps asking me if I'm taking summer classes, are you insane? I'm dying here. My body can barely keep up with where I'm at.

I'm not sure how to tell my bosses that I'm overworked and underpaid. I just feel like that they will end up having to find out the hard way. I'll just end up passing out on the floor during a big rush because my body will have finally just given up on me.

One of the only reasons I said yes to this shift was because I have to continue proving to everyone that I can do my job. That I am worthy of being here, I am a good supervisor. Since someone must have been bothered by me a while back and kept it bottled up- I must have done something recently that upset them and so Becky pulled me into the office yet again. We talked about it all and I thought it went well and I had proved myself and everything.. but I can't keep having to do this. I don't want to have to keep proving to everyone that I'm a good worker. I'm working myself to death- if I try any harder I won't be here.

Moving away just sounds so nice. Starting something new. I'd miss my dad and brother and family so much I'm sure. But I need a change of scenery. 
I'm writing this all on my lunch break, and I'm getting fed up and borderline upset. So I should probably stop. But I really needed to get some stuff out. This way I hope to not cry during the closing shift.

Should be, could be. Me.