We have said I love you, and I truly mean it.
I honestly feel this is what true love feels like..
I understand I am still so young, and there are times when I don't enjoy everything he does. But that's part of a relationship. We haven't exactly had a fight in the 4 months that we have been together, but we have nothing to disagree upon?
I'm getting better about making decisions thanks to him. He forces me to make one rather than leave it up to him to make them all.
I feel as though he wants the best for me. He calls me smart, although I still have trouble believing it.
Jillian had surprised us in the library after our class on Thursday, and we had a great conversation.
I always enjoy seeing//talking to her.
Although she is so her own person, and as much as I do love her,
sometimes I feel so lost after talking to her. Just like as I walk away from her, its as though I am
stepping back onto the planet after months.
I really have to come back to the real world.
It's an indescribable feeling and I'm still trying to figure out if I enjoy it or not.
In the mean time, while she is going to school again and trying to save gas and money, I hope she does try to work at Carolines again. Salima applied as well. And it would be very nice to work with her. At this point I really just need to surround myself with people I can handle working with often to prevent me from quitting.
Obviously I wouldn't quit until I had another job waiting for me.
I think it's just the fact that I'm being overworked, and underpaid that it's just had to go to this endless routine. I need some variety.
School is coming to an end at such a perfect time. Which it usually seems to do. Comes and goes quite nicely.
I was finally able to sign up for classes the other day. I am on a wait list for my English 1A class I had taken my first semester and failed. Jill is also wait listed and planning on adding in.
Along with that is a Science class, but not normal science.. It's called Environmental Studies & the Human Impact. Which should be interesting.
And last but certainly not least.... ASL!!
I'm thrilled to be taking my first real Sign Language class. I'm not quite sure why but I just feel so strongly for deaf culture and the whole shah-bang.
As a gift to myself for completing my second year of college I am planning on getting Hulu and perhaps even Netflix as well. I plan on catching up with my Switched at Birth, Misfits, Glee, and so on. I've never been so excited to be lazy. Oh boy..
I'll tell you about my experience with art and such from the other day, tomorrow or soon. Howard Levine is a great man. And his home gave me just enough inspiration to make it through the rest of the semester and even through summer perhaps. I'll leave it at that.
It's getting late and I work the morning shift, so I better get some beauty sleep.
Goodnight and sweet dreams dear you.
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Makeup-less Me. "flyaways" |