We talked quite a bit about Sam and such and I had told her that we had sex. For me it was pretty nonchalant. I'm not ashamed or wanting to hide it at all. Even if my dad asked me I'd tell him honestly.
Even though I'm almost positive he already has an idea that we have been sexually active.
My sister is truly my best friend. I feel so at ease talking to her and telling her just about anything. She is there to answer my questions if I have any- now regarding sex and birth control.
We may even go look for a doctor for me and get ready for PAP Smears and other birth control options. Just part of the whole growing up thing. Three cheers for womanhood..
I'm quite excited to be getting tons of free makeup on Monday, and Sunday-Wednesday I'll be camping with my Aunt Penny and family. I haven't gone in a few years so I'm excited to finally have some time off work to spend with the parts of family that I haven't seen for a while.
Sam works all those days so he will hopefully be able to come down before then or something.
I can tell he is kinda sad and gets the feeling we haven't seen each other in a while.
I know it hasn't been too long, but the days between when we don't se each other are long and seem like quite sometime. It just shows me that he really does miss me and enjoy my company.
After a few days of not seeing each other, I can tell he is sort of moody and almost bitter. Just from missing me and kind of getting the feeling that I'm not making the effort to see him. So I'll cuddle with him and give him back rubs and just touch him a lot- because I think thats the way I show my affecting for him. And then things go back to being normal and better. He gets happy and loving and the sadness or bitterness goes right away.