Sam came over around noon, and then napped for the main time he was here.
Yes, I'm happy for his new independence for his dads house. (Which wasn't all that bad)
But being at the apartment with Danielle and Holly isn't exactly great for his already outrageous sleeping patterns. I told him that tonight he should try to actually sleep at a normal hour. He then promised he would.
We almost showered together today. But I chickened out. The nice thing is, we have many more chances to come.
Today is the eleventh. Meaning that two days ago was our Five Month.
He was officially my longest relationship three months ago.
And I can't really document enough, how happy I truly am.
I know at the rate I'm posting (not often) I probably say it in each one somehow. I'll sneak it in one way or another.
Yusef and Juleia are now my best friends. Which is saying something.
They now are no longer in their place on Rough and Ready, but in a trailer much like the one my dad just purchased, but many years older. I had no idea how they would do it with Sifadine but they always seem to be happy in the long run.
I think I help Juleia in that sense. She, like myself, doesn't have many friends. Being a 20 year old Islamic mom.. I sadly see why.
So when she and Yusef may be in a bit of a tiff, we can hang out. We don't even have to talk about it.
I told them my life story basically a week or so ago. We ended up talking about religion and parents and money and moving and everything.
I respect them as people. More than most.
Before I forget, on May 28th a very amazing thing happened.
My braces were forever removed! |
Yes I still have an adorable retainer..
But all my over thinking and worrying was put to rest around 9:00am that morning.
Sam and a few other say that they still miss my braces sometimes- and you know I'll admit, something I had for two+ years, you can get oddly attached to.
But I am quite pleased with how they turned out. As miserable of an experience it was with my Orthodontist, Dr. Law -and I would recommend to go anywhere else- he did his job without having to pull teeth. And I'm very grateful for that.
As I had mentioned before, Yusef and Juleia are currently living in the trailer on Yusef's parents property. They had to move because they had a baby I do believe. But I suppose that makes sense. They are doing just fie where they are at now anyways. What their plan is, is to save money while living in the trailer in order to move to Portland. And Yusef's plan is to move as early as this December. Sam is planning on going with them. And they all would like for me to go along with them. And I have agreed I would like nothing more than a change of scenery.
There are just a few kinks in that whole plan..
- I am signed up for Fall classes. I believe that starts August 26th.
- I haven't told my dad about this idea.
- We are in the process of putting our house on the market and moving.
- I'm terrified of drastic change.
I can't do what Danny did, and just drop all my classes and quit my job to focus on music- or in this case move away from everything I know.
I'm so excited for this semester too, I'm finally taking a sign language class.
As well as Science and I'm still wait listed for English.
If they do end up moving in December, I wont be able to go that soon. School ends December 14th or 15th. I'm not moving before Christmas. I wont make myself go through that.
But now that I think of it, if I do plan all this out and talk to my dad long before hand to get him on my side for this, Christmas would be a great time for me to tell the family of my plan.
Enough of the stress and excitement.
The whole reason I have become so inspired to write this evening is due to The Clothes Horse.
I have watched her stop motion videos and read her insight on fashion. She is just now the second blog that had made me want to do something with my life that makes me happy.
No matter what I decide to do, blogging will be involved.
And all today the only thing I can think of is Juleia and myself working on things like those.
Creating a blog and documenting our move.
The struggles, the adventure, and the love.
Not to sound like hippies- but we all could do it.
I tell myself, along with everyone else- that I want to do this.
"There just can't be any wading in the water with life.
I have to just leap in.
Otherwise I won't do it."-Me.
It's getting late, and of course I work the long shift tomorrow.. But I'll keep you posted on all life's happenings.
I mean, isn't that why I created this in the first place?
I'm taking more photos with my Nikon. I'm proud of myself. These are my friends.