In my head maybe around 6:45~ I wanted something to happen. I felt like tonight was going to be kinda boring. Mellow and I didn't want to stay home. A few minutes later my dad comes to my room and says, "I need you to drive me to Blake. He rolled his truck."
My eyeballs sunk to my stomach.
I changed into some black pants and moccasins and headed for the door. This was not what I had wanted. Not what I had planned for. But then again, no one plans for an accident.
Since dad had a beer or 2 I drove to a road near the fairgrounds where Blake was heading to his friends house.
Dad was pissed the whole way there, critiquing my driving and whatnot. He said he just wanted to throw something even, which was a slightly new side to my dad than I had seen before.
I tried my best to calm him down. We turned onto the road where Blake and his truck were and saw sirens. My stomach is turning and then I saw his truck. It was like I had no control over my mouth. My jaw dropped and my heart raced. Never had I been in this scenario. I was always the one who made the call to be rescued. Well.. Twice.
I knew Blake was a daredevil but I never really imagined it would catch up with him. For the most part I understood he was safe. Against texting and driving. Wouldn't ever drink and get behind the wheel.. But he certainly had a need for speed.
It wasn't until many minutes after we parked and got out of the truck to console him that I really got emotional. I walked over to the truck on my own to get his Caroline's sweatshirt and it really sunk in how badly this crash was.
My brother could have died.
The thought can really only marinade in my head. Never fully sink in. Even if it had happened I still couldn't fathom it.
He was a mess himself. Even for hours after the accident. I got to play mom and really try my hardest to make him feel okay. He had trouble talking and putting into words what happened or how he felt. What he remembered. Still a bit shook up in his brain I guess. But all in all he is fine. We are all so lucky.
His friend who is a bit taller was in the passenger seat, and the roof of the car caved in a bit more on his side so his head was hit a slight bit. Blake was the one to point it out after they had crawled out the back window that no longer had glass. He was brought to the hospital which is good. And he is ultimately fine, but on my dads financial side it's going to hit him hard. To have another 'at fault' accident in his record but to add injury to it won't be fun. And the hospital is doing their job, but probably going full force in something that may not need all the attention. Granted we want everything done to make sure that Conner is 100% okay.
I sent Emmit a photo of the scene and he was nothing but supportive the whole time. Caring and there for myself as well as my brother. I couldn't ask for more then that when all our heads are spinning. And now I give him things to worry about. He sure is a trooper.
So now I get to play mom as well as Switzerland. Safe zone and whatnot. Console Blake to realize that no one hates him for what he did. Nor will it effect anyone's trust in him. And in the end it will all be okay. Etc.
And to my dad that yes, financially this blows. But if anyone can handle this, it's him. And I am here. And he still has a son. And I a brother. Trucks brake, and money is spent. But lives cannot be returned.
And I am so greatful for the way this played out. Blake said that while his truck was spinning he was in the middle of talking to Conner. And then it happened. But all the while he was realizing what was going on- he knew he would be okay. It was all slow motion to him. And the entire time he knew he would make it. Just goes to show you how cool my brother is. That's a pretty positive thought to have as you are in the middle of a near death experience.
We are all a bit shook up, but this will pass. It's a learning experience. And that's it. What happenes now is so little. The tiniest of my cares in comparison the the fact that we are all okay. I don't want to get repetitive, but I need to write. I haven't for a while and since I work in the morning I needed some closure for the night. I'm sure I'll report back with what comes of all this but for now I should sleep.