I've been sketching lately. And the weather has been nice and windy. Not sure the last time I actually did something with my hair and I want some Earl Grey.
I just got a package in the mail from my dear friend. Although I was tired, it inspired me to draw and/or take pictures. But sadly seeing as how we moved our clocks back it now gets darker earlier, so that wouldn't have happened. But I can still sketch.
After I make some tea. (:
Ugh.. I have several tabs open {including Facebook of course.} So I still have yet to get my tea. It's 10:47pm.
11:32, Earl is finally up against my lips.
This was a really nice day.
It rained a few days ago, mostly during the night. And I had some time to kill before I headed out for school, so I got a few videos and pictures. I believe they are still on my camera though. I'll try to upload those tomorrow, or really today.. seeing as how it;s 12:20.
Well, now I should sleep. I'll post tomorrow.