whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I keep thinking of things to say.

I've just been looking over i am not Ana's 365 day project and just can't help but  be inspired and want to take pictures. Oh so many pictures.
Planning on taking some of Amber tomorrow for a photo project.
I've been wearing dresses for the past few days.

Today I wore shorts with leggings under and my best friends Oxfords she left here when she went back to Texas. I didn't even care that they are 2 sizes too big. Could barely tell.

Chances are I'll wear that same outfit again this week.
I want to upload videos to here but my HD videos are too advanced for blogger I suppose... ;)
Lets give it another go shall we?

I wish I could get off the computer and make another hat or sketch and such but now I am committed to uploading these videos to my YouTube. Why do I do this to myself? Real stupid.

Laundry can kill time. Huzzah!

God damn. This video is just not going to freaking load and I'm exhausted.
I love the feeling I get when Scout and I are just so tired we can fall right into bed and sleep right away.
It's one of those nights.