whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


This is all I need. Really, all I need.
To live there would be ideal. Better yet, Santa Cruz. I did just get back a few days ago from a 2 day trip with 3 friends and looked at a college there. Of course I was heart broken because I had fallen in love all over again, and known that my father would not be supportive. But that is that and I'm going to make my hope come true. Or at least try damn hard to make it happen.

It rained a few days ago , and is supposed to tomorrow. I plan on staying home and catching up on homework. Maybe invite  friend over, sip on some tea, hope I don't nap.

Developed some film and made a few prints today. Need to go purchase more paper in order to make more prints though. I really don't want to spend all that money on paper though. Oh well.
I finished making my sister's and nephew's beanies. I have just enough yarn left over for a headband for me. :) Think I may go work on that now.

I missed blogging.

Sleep well whoever may be reading this.