whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Got home a few hours ago. Which is bullshit. I shouldn't be getting out of work at 7:30pm. I also shouldn't be doing all of the chores.
.....fuck Khrista. ):<

I got in a slight car accident today I suppose you could say?
I was driving behind a truck with 2 big garbage bins full of takes and shovels and such and it wasn't tied down properly. As we were on the highway they finally came undone and the tools came back at my car. I luckily dodged move of it up until the last second when a rake decided to hit the back of my car. Another woman had to drive over things so she's not sure if she has any damage or not yet. Luckily a highway patrol SUV was sitting a few yards from where her and I pulled over.
Although he didn't see it all happen.
The woman walked up to the SUV and told him what happened. (the truck didn't stop) so he went to go and get him. Luckily he had pulled off the road just a mile up.
The highway patrol came back and picked up his tools and told us to come up the road to where the man had pulled off. I gave the cop my license and registration. He took the woman's statement and looked at my car and then her and I went on our way.
I was 20 minutes late for math, which wasn't a big deal.

I got a 70% on my test.

After math I went to my dads office and told him what happened and showed him the damage. Which really isn't much at all. I figured we would mayyyybe get $200 for it.
He took me to lunch and then we went and got an estimate on the cost of repairs. Which ended up totaling out to roughly $1,400. For literally 4 scratches. But they would have to take the car apart to get them out.
So I guess the plan is to just get the money and put it towards fixing more major problems in the car and then selling it.

It just needs to happen ASAP in my opinion. As well as fixing my tail light and installing the light to shine on my license plate. (still haven't told dad I was pulled over- just that I need to fix it, like now.)

So yeah, that was my day basically.

No work tomorrow, just a few hours of photo. So that's nice.

I think I want to read.