whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hello dearest blog. I really do appreciate you. You are a place for me. I love having an immediate go to place to vent when I feel I don't have a person to talk to. I should use you more often in fact just so I don't have as many mental breakdowns as I do. (luckily I have been lucky enough to avoid having one in quite some time.)
*knock on wood*

But anyways, things have been going pretty swell. I'm not going to over exaggerate and say they have been perfect etc, for 2 reasons.
1.) they haven't? Ha
2.) I don't want to jinx all the good that has been happening.

As I mentioned a tad in my last post, I went on my very first official date ever on Friday.
It was the best I could have asked for, not knowing how exactly I should have acted or reacted and whatnot.
It was with a great genuine attractive guy friend who I've known for a few years now. We reconnected last semester and things are going places. Or so I hope. (consider my fingers crossed.)

I'm sure you are dying to know what happened.
So I suppose I'll tell you.

Started off just getting ready for the day knowing I was hanging out with him. Scout and I got to his house around noon. We went to a few parks and played, showed off my puppy dog basically.
One of may favourite parts must have been when we went to a place called Biblical Gardens. It was beautiful. Absolutely breath taking. (although I could have gone with out all of the "biblical-ness" of it all, seeing as how I'm not sure how much God is a part if my life just yet.) But it was the first time that day he held my hand and it was just lovely. After that he took me back to his house so that his mother Debbie could play/ see Scout since I had taken her in. It brought tears to my eyes to see how happy she was.
After the short while from playing, I went home. Showered, cleaned up, and changed. Headed back to his house and then went on our way to Roseville. (the only bit of information he would share with me about our dinner destination.) we finally showed up at The Cheesecake Factory. Which of course, was fantastic. We filled up our bellies as much as they could and then drive back down to good ol' GV to see Star Wars Episode I in 3D. Which was great but also at 9:40pm. So he was falling asleep during bits and my head was beginning to feel a tad heavy. But I made it. Afterwards he drove me back to his house to my car.
Yes, we kissed. (again, not the first time.) but was still a wonderful end to a wonderful night.

I got home and got all warm and crashed.
The next day I drove myself to the mall with my friend Courtney (no my dad doesn't know.) but I did it. For the first time and made it back and everything.
I purchased quite a few things and I'm just as content as could be.
Then today I worked the long shift and had a splendid time at our Valentine's day/work meeting party thing.
Now I'm home and here I am. It's now 10:30pm and I should probably call it a night.

Oh, forgot to mention I purchased 5 books today before work. I'll post artsy pictures tomorrow I hope.

Until then, goodnight.