I'm sorry future me for not blogging in quite some time. But nothing really blog worthy has happened. Until last night I suppose, but even then it's still nothing.
It was Blake's last homecoming of the year and sadly none of his best friends bought tickets due to expense. But he still wanted to go and being the great big sister I am, I still drove him and picked him up.
The plan for me was to go see a movie (I had already seen before, The Woman in Black.) with my friend Danny whilst Blake is dancing away. The movie would have ended right in time for me to pick him up.
In a nutshell: Danny is stupid and got the times mixed up so we didn't see the movie. We did hang out at Nicole's place and played cards for a bit though up until I had to get Blake. We then were going to go black light bowling but that didn't end up happening either.
Time for the good part:
For time between dropping off Blake, up to playing cards with Nicole and Christian- I get pulled over.
Yep. Good ol' GVPD.
This is now the second time in my life that it's happened. (first time was on grad night- I was just leaving PV in a hurry because I was late and a man warned me about my taillight. It keeps coming unplugged or something.)
And tonight wasn't much different other than I was in town and it was a woman. Meaning I got pulled over again for, yep you guessed it.... That damn taillight. And I guess the light that shines my license plate. (which I didn't know was mandatory, and didn't know if I even had one.) but oh well. I got a free fix it ticket (THANK GOD) so it just means I need to fix it then get the ticket signed Nd blah blah blah. No harm no fowl.
I guess my night went fine considering I got out of my house.
Other than that, I have just been busy with work and school. I'm keeping up with my math work and that feels nice.
So I just checked and I haven't blogged for a while clearly because I haven't mentioned anything about Robbie or his Tattoo!
I'm so incredibly jealous. He got the Indian shooting the star you find on the tootsie pop wrappers.
One day when I'm out on my own ill get it so we can match. Since we are like best friends and all. (;
Well I'll show you the tattoo and then hopefully try to go back to sleep. (if you didn't notice.. This was posted at 6:38 AM...)
....thank you again Scout for waking me up to clean up your puke....
At least it wasn't on my bed this time.