•still sick.
•still in love with Emmit.
•still kinda stressed for school/work
-school > work
Today I also think I had a "panic attack" it was completely random, just as they always have been. And it was pretty shitty. I caught it just in time so I could still drive to school. Before my arms got too numb/heavy.
It sucks not being able to fill your lungs. But hey.. My body doesn't know what it's doing. It's been battling what I have just decided is a severe head cold for what seems like 2 plus weeks.
Being in my period wilst being sick is also just the bees knees.. 😒
Lighter note: Em and I watched The Village last night. It was really good and I wish it had kept going.
Dad either got the keys to the new house today or sometime tomorrow? Definitely soon. It's ours now and I'm so excited to move.
(I don't think I have mentioned it yet actually- we bought a house on Greenhorn)
Our house is still on the market and we still have people look at it every few weeks or so- but nothing seems promising. If we don't sell soon, we will rent. We certainly won't continue to live here.
It will be so nice to live so close to town.
It's going to save me quite a bit of gas money I'm sure.
Hmmm lets see.. What else is new......
I can't think of much at the moment. But if it comes to me I'll post it later or another time.
Almost forgot! I had jury duty this morning.
Granted I was not picked- it was still an experience.
I hope to be picked again and actually be able to participate.
I may go into more detail with things like jury duty and whatever in another post. Who knows?