Less indoors. More outdoors.
Less phone. More camera.
I'm hoping to wake up a little earlier and take some shots while the sun rises. I tried to do this once before with a friend of mine for her senior portraits. We started a bit late but still captured what she wanted in most shots.
This time I'll go to a different location. All by myself. Talk about trying new things..
I may or may not be trespassing. But really.. How can anyone own a whole field?
I'm ready to get back in touch with my camera. Really ready to edit. I can enjoy editing photos for hours if they are things I'm excited for. Although these are self portraits- I'm not letting that stop me from being excited.
I noticed something the other day, I got home a little later so it was dark out, but as I left the house to grab something from my car it took me a second to realize. It was still warm out! I wasn't shivering at all! Nor was I even wearing a jacket of any kind.
Keeping that in mind, my fingers are crossed morning are just as the nights have been.. But I have my doubts.
With any luck I'll force myself to get up in the wee hours of the morn and retrieve the halo effect I have in my head.
We shall see.