whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Oh hey, yeah remember me? I guess I run this thing still. In defense my life is pretty repetitive. Nothing crazy eventful has happened to note. Although I keep telling myself to do little updates.

Thoughts: I've been following this one girl on Instagram for a bit now. She's very lovely and runs a little blog called Nice & Quiet. Her name is Bri and she's a very good photographer. Anyways she just started Nice & Quiet not too long ago, but I found her older blog. The Secret Life of Bee. Her last and most recent post was her goodbye from that blog. She explained how it had felt forced. She was trying to be what her followers wanted her to be. She explained she's not a fashion blogger but tried to be for her followers since that's what they liked to see. But she's a photographer. And that's what she wants to put her extra time and energy into. When she's not blogging about her household items and cat, she's trying to get pregnant while battling infertility. She's a strong gentle girl and I would love to be her friend. Alas she lives in a different state of which o cannot remember.
But to make this relevant and bring my pony into the subject- I sadly thought to myself how forced my posts here can be. Although it's a fantastic escape, when I do use it.. I forget to. I forget how nice a release it is to write. Vent about my day and issues. That way I don't bring them to work with me. And I'd like to think I've been doing a fairly decent job of that. Although we have hired 2 new girls again now that Corrie and Courtney have left us. One is Kelley and the other is Maddy. So we now have 2 Mandy's with us. Not to confuse things even more.

But school is nearing us and I'm really eager to get back. My hair is getting somewhat long and the sun has been shining fairly steadily. (Although is January and Id love to see some snow..) I can't complain about my mornings (such as this one now) when I get to sit and let my legs hang from my back deck and write.

Emmit and I have been together for a little over a year and 3 months now. I believe that makes us each our longest relationships.
Juleia, if I haven't mentioned already, which is very possible.. Is pregnant and expecting her second child in March. We are each hoping for a girl and near our birthdays.
I received a 50mm lens for Christmas this year and I haven't stopped using it. I've taken at least 3 different peoples portraits and been asked by at least 2 more. So business cards are on their way! Finally made my design the other day and am really quite pleased with the turnout. I'll post photos once they have been ordered.
Emmits birthday is getting closer and I'm really excited. It will be his 21st and I've purchased his presents already. One is a really big one. But I can't say since I'm not sure if he still checks up on this site or not.
But I will certainly be updating you on what his reaction is after the gifts have been given.
Not much else that's worth noting I suppose. I've been getting closer to Kelly Rowe and I really like that. She needs some support and someone like me in her life Id like to think.

But I must be off to work. Gotta brush my teeth first but I'd like to say I'll write more soon. 

Until then.