whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Well today was the second day of the semester. So far so good. Didn't get into my math class on Monday so I'm going back tomorrow and not taking no for an answer. I will sit on the floor and bring my own computer if I have to. 

Em got into the public speaking class no problem. So that's rad. I'm a little nervous but I know I'll do just fine. Excited to have him at Sierra and especially in a class with me! All about sharing a book.

I'm really motivated this semester. And I'd like to keep it that way.

Emmit's birthday is on Saturday. Which is hardly 4 days away. And I'm planning things like none other. So woohoo go me! Little stressful, but I think I have it all under control. Just have to make sure everything goes according to plan- and smoothly.

Last but not least.. Drumroll please.. My business cards came in!!
Not entirely what I had hoped for. Kinda looks like their printer ran out of ink, but they still look great. I'm happy I only ordered 100 and I should have no problem giving them out. Then make the corrections I need to. You live and you learn, but hey, guess this means I'm officially putting my name out there again and ready for business! 

Here goes nothin'