whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Yeah you read that right, 1:30am.. Just got out of a movie. Em and I and some friends saw the employee showing of Wild. It was just that. Reese did a great job in that role, and as the credits rolled it showed the photos of the actual Sheryl. They looked very similar, especially in the hair. It had some pretty sad parts for sure but overall made me want to go outside.

This morning I showed up late to work for the first time since I'm not even sure when. But found out I can get ready within about 20 minutes. Got to work 5 minutes before Becky. I still told her what happened. And then since I had public speaking at 2 I'm only scheduled till 1:30. So all in all it ended up being a fun quick day with Beau and Ashli even.
Finally got MyMathLab all set up (if not for the patience and knowledge of Emmit..), which was fantastic so I got a start of some things. Luckily nothing is due until February something (the day of the first test) so I have some time to catch up.
Which I have no doubts I will.
I'm still just excited and grateful to be there.

Tomorrow Em and the gang are heading to Nevada to look at a car and whatnot. Little day trip before the birthday. Still trying to get all that figured out but at the end of the day it's not my day. We will just have to see how it all plays out.