whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Went to Kelly's house tonight. Nat and Trevor were over. It was a hilarious evening, even though Kelly still kinda made me nervous. I really like her friendship. And I want her and Trevor to fall in love. Her lovely self with his handsome self just makes sense. Nat is hilarious, basically all there is to know.
They are all going to SF tomorrow-Tuesday. Wish I could go..

It's alright. Still had a great evening. And ended the night with one of Kelly's art photos.
I can tell I will be friends with these people for a while. And that is wonderful.

Also- fixed up the yellow bike for the most part. Still could use a little fine tuning from a man named Charlie. I'm sure more photos of this lovely lady will happen.