whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Not totally tired. Would love to fall asleep on Emmit's chest/lap to a movie. Today is our "16 month". We are almost at a year and a half and that may be my biggest accomplishment since I can't remember. It makes me happy it doesnt feel like it's been that long.
We worked together today and I felt very productive. Was complimented in several ways today and I appreciate that. I've been working hard to get where I'm at. Only going to improve more.

I don't like being the butthead at work for Emmit. Just keep him on track and whatnot. But I'd want him or anyone else to do it for me.

Math is going really well I'd say and that's huge for me. Excited for Public Speaking too. I hope to give at least one speech that makes the class feel something. Like what happens to me when I read books.

Valentine's Day is coming up. It's also the day that Juleia is having her baby shower. But I'm not sure if Emmit has any other plans for when I'm done. Im happy for my dad, he wants to do something with Terrie and make it nice. Even if it just means going to the hot springs. Im happy that he is with someone. I hope that Valentine's Day goes well for everyone.

Let's see.. That may be all I can recap from today. Proud of myself for getting back in the habit of this. I hope that 2015 can be the year I post the most. We shall see. But I better head to bed, work in the morning.