It's been a few days now and I have a bit of a recap to do.
Last time I wrote it was the 14th, the day before my birthday. Since then I have turned 21. Which is still something I need to work on grasping.
On the 15th I worked a morning shift with Emmit and Beau. Total dream team. So it was pretty nice, minus the fact that it was incredibly busy. After we got through the hectic shift it turned out to be I was exhausted. I had a few morning shifts prior and they were beginning to catch up with me. So Emmit and I headed to his house and napped for a few hours before we met up with my dad and the few family members that could make it to Players Pizza for a small celebration.
We didn't nap a whole lot ..knowing us.. we had a house to ourselves. Need I say more?
So birthday sex was a tad in order. And everything was fine till my body decided to make weird noises. Annnnnyways.. -.-
We won't be able to try again without any odd bodily functions until the weekend we get away. Thanks to mother nature (and my birth control regimen). So thankfully my period will end just before we leave. For my birthday dad got Em and I tickets for Jeff Dunham in Reno and a room at the Atlantis Hotel. Crazy right? My dad buying me a hotel room? But when he explained how odd it was for him it made sense. If I did decide to drink or what have you I'd have a safe place to return to. And since it is hour(s) or so away from home it only makes sense to stay in Reno. Then we have the next day to meander as we please.
Along with that great gift were many bottles of wine and gift cards.
After the party began to wind down around 7:30~ we wrapped it up and headed back to town. Emmit bought us tickets to go see Golden Shoulders at the Back Center Stage. I was a bit hesitant because it would have been my first show and I wasn't sure what to expect. But I said lets go and I'm SO glad I did.
The opener was a mellow guy with a soft but strong voice. He called himself/group "____ Fog" I forget the first word.. damn it. But Golden Shoulders were phenomenal! Totally my style of people and sound. Will definitely be downloading them as well as seeing them again I hope.
The show ended and we headed back to Emmit's. Maddie and Jake were of course watching Friends.. It was getting late but we wandered to the kitchen- and they had just a smidgen of wine left in a bottle and he offered it to me. It was 11:30pm. Almost a half hour away from being March 16th. I thought why not.. just put my worries aside and took a sip and it warmed my throat. It wasn't even a full glass so half of me wonders if it counts and the other half of me is like "well it was alcohol" I guess it really doesn't matter. So whatever happened, happened. We headed to bed and since we both worked in the morning we carpooled to work.
After we got off that shift we were invited to go to the river with friends. I soaked up some sun and even took a small nap. It was nice. I think that was about it for things that have happened in the past few days. Just back to work and school.
Oh! Sophie has an interview today! And I'm sure she has the job in the bag really. But
I better head out. I have class in little bit and I told Sophie I'd braid her hair and let her borrow a necklace for the interview.
I'll report back with whatever happens!