It's been a few days and of course that means I should have posted a few days ago.
Not much has really happened out of the ordinary, I've been a little stressed. Mainly when it comes to work stuff.
I finally sent Holly and email requesting days off or less long shifts and things to that effect. With school and the move I can't handle not having a single day off when I don't have school or work. I need a day for myself. To either do nothing, catch up on things, or have a day to myself to do as i please.
I'm getting really worn down and I need to pick myself back up. I need to set aside time to clean things up and organize. Get back to using my large calendar and really seeing my months in a larger view. Since I've come to find it's easier for me to 'see' and really understand what is going on when things are bigger. That's why I used a sketchbook as a notebook for a semester once.
I had my first trip to Ikea a few days ago- as overwhelming as it was when I was getting lost and trying to find my way out, I still enjoyed every minute of it. And will be heading back very soon.
I need a:
- Bed
- with the slat things to keep it up
- Bookshelf
- side table/more storage
- etc..
God I love bullet points..
They keep my life in order.
Other things on my mind
Should I take next semester off and try and get another job and really try to build my savings back up? Because with soon buying loads of furniture and such all myself I'll be low in the bank account department..
Then there is still the possibility of buying a new phone (not a necessity)
Dad said he would buy the phone or furniture for late Christmas, but there is a huge part of me that wants to just do it all on my own. Start to branch out and be more independent. I keep talking about how much I hate adulthood but I'm forcing myself to slowly accept it.
I think I'm doing a pretty okay job.
School is going well. I love having Sophie in my classes. She and I are growing really close and I even jokingly brought up the idea of us moving in together. Who knows when.. but she was totally up for it.
Emmit moves in on the 15th. I'm happy for him, but I guess it just hasn't hair me yet I'll be going over to a different house then his mom's. He's making faster moves then I am.
I'm jealous a bit, I'll admit. He's making this whole 'growing up business' look easy.
So go him! Maybe he can give me some pointers.
My house is coming together. I went over and painted a bit after work yesterday. I was really sore afterwards. Using lots of muscles I normally don't.
But nothing that Pilates can't help fix. I like that class quite a bit. ASL 2 makes me a bit nervous but I'm getting back in the swing of things. Intro to Digital Art & Design is starting to excite me for later on. And I LOVE Human Sexuality.
Luckily everything worked out with that class. My professor never dropped me thank goodness. I met with her and she explained what I missed on the 1st day and everything worked out. It's a smaller class but I can tell it's going to be nice.
As I was leaving there was a girl who noticed my asl alphabet on my binder from last semester and told me how she is talking ASL1 with the same teacher as I have this semester.
We went on a little bit about how we feel about sign in general and Byron. I didn't get heir name but I will on Tuesday. It's really cool to have that in common with others that I don't even know.
I need to emerge myself back into deaf culture. Go to Deaf Events and bring Sophie and even Emmit if he wants. It's might be a lot for him though. Who knows, we shall see.
I have to venture off to work.
-but until next time.