whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


It's sort of unusual how a smell can do so much to your memory. I helped several customers today with a heavy perfume or cologne. And each time they were smells I'd been familiar with. Generally I'd be turned off by a strong scent or musk. But these were so similar to old smells that my nose recognized. Perhaps a perfume my grandma or mom wore once. Something my dad tried, or an uncle. All I know is that it was nice. I didn't mind helping them.

Generally triggers like that could bring bad memories but I'm cool with most memories nowadays.

I had another really nice conversation with Emmit in my car after our latest work meeting. We talked for a few hours and covered lots of material. All the way to religion.

Not a lot to document. House is coming together. Homework isn't catching up with me so much any more. (Noticing I'm psyching myself out a lot.) exception the worst and getting myself overwhelmed over nothing. But a little pressure never hurt anyone.

Elsa recieved a group text from Larkin. I was unaware they were so close. But she sent a message explaining her condition that I hadn't seen yet.
I'm handling it much better. Not crying when I hear her name anymore.
Yusef and Sam are officially in Portland. Not as easy as they thought it would be. You have to spent $150 just to apply for a place. And sleeping in a car can't be great. Just great I'm not in that scenario any longer. I'll get to Portland, when it's time for me to get there.

I'm really excited to buy furniture for my new room. I'll be more excited when I need to pack it up and move with someone else. But I'm not rushing it I suppose. Not unless dad makes me. As I haven't told him about my second tattoo apt. Soooo.. We shall see what happens. It worked out alright last time and we are doing just fine now, so (fingers crossed) this time isn't as hard.

It's my birthday present to myself.
Which reminds me- I need to figure out what I'm doing for that... Bleh.