whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Hey it's Monday.
Yesterday we celebrated Alannah and Kathleen's birthday by going ice skating and then following that with dinner at Bucca Di Beppo's. (If that's how you spell it). Both if which were fantastic. So much fun and certainly worth the bruised knees.

It got my mind off of shitty things.
I'm not saying I'm over it- that would be a lie. But I'm not letting it control all of my everyday emotions. Sure in the back of my mind I'm pissed- but I feel in control again. The ball is completely in my court and I decide who is in my life. And there is no coming back from this.


Between ice skating and dinner we went to the fountains and then Barnes & Noble. Seeing all these books I can soon fill my future home with always inspire me. Get me thinking. Get me excited. Get me hopeful.

It made me a little mad seeing calligraphy books and instantly connecting them to Cru. (Only cause I'm bitter.) but then just a moment ago, I'm scrolling through Instagram- and this is really what I wanted my post to be about -but I see a simple photo about this woman starting a company called Sweet Pea or something. And it got me thinking about a constant conversation I've had with myself and slowly let others hear. Creating a blog and perhaps making money from it. What is stopping me from making my own business. Who says I have to wait to be a component in Quest?
I could pick a name, start a blog, build a website, take photos, and write. I mean I've done most of that so far.
An what I don't know how to do I have people that could help me. I could create my own team. Select certain people that benefit and agree with what I chose this whole thing to stand for. 
I mean the girls at A Beautiful Mess did it. They have a shop even and upstairs is their office/workroom. 
Even just the idea of being my own boss is so nice to hear. I understand I've only had one job but it will be 3 years in one location. With the same people (for the most part) and I think that takes a lot for someone to do. I've learned so much by being at the coffeeshop about a job and customer service. And not to mention SO much about myself. I'm not a fan of confrontation. But I've learned to do it and/or accept it. I don't like not being in control. I don't like being told to change something about the way I do things. I don't like being forced to be around people that aren't good for me because I need money. 

So many things I did not know about myself. But many of those things can be worked on or fixed. 

I know it's only 10:42 now.. But I guess I have a lot to think about.
Business classes to potentially take. Photo journalism perhaps.

I guess we shall just see. Most good things start with a name though. 

Until next time..