Emmit and I went on our 4 day trip, (I posted about that already though- I think)
I'll post the photos we finally edited in a bit.
Emmit's actual birthday finally happened on Friday. I couldn't really post much about it before hand just in case he read any of my plans (now that he has the link to this little blog of mine.. hi babe (; ....)
Since I had known I was going to throw him a surprise party I couldn't get out any of my nerves or frustrations so I had to hold them in until now.
Operation Sushi Surprise was all in all- a success. Getting together 20 of Em's friends was not as hard as I had thought. Everyone had said yes surprisingly! Then we lost a few then gained a few more back. I had tried to make reservations- with no luck considering it was a Friday..
(Never really crossed my mind that I could have actually planned for a different day not on his birthday).. But I'm the kind of person when I want something and it's pretty set in my head I'm pretty solid in it.
Anyways, my whole plan was to reserve one room to have everyone together. I told everyone to be there by 7:45pm so that they could start to reserve seats for us and then have everyone inside by the time we got there at 8. Sadly- this was not exactly what happened.
There were 2 groups of 10 before us. Courtney had to arrange everyone before we got there which wasn't easy for her but much appreciated.
By the time we had arrived he kinda had a slight idea that something might be up, but didn't believe it could happen. So by the time everyone yelled "surprise" he was genuinely surprised. Which was all I wanted. We all had to group up and be at separate tables but that's okay. Everyone was there and we all ate sushi, and cake together after.
Then last night Emmit's family had a small get together at Pine Street burgers. I got to formally meet his Aunt and Grandma and another cousin. His whole family is honestly, just fantastic. I just feel so at home around them all.
His aunt came up to me and gave me a huge hug- told me he had never seen his nephew so happy, and she knew that it was because of me. That alone could have made me cry.
Then as everyone went to order, Paul and I sat and saved seats. We got to talking bit about the trip and then just how shocking it was that Emmit is 20. I tell him how crazy it is to think about from a parents perspective. Then he says, "He's the greatest thing to ever happen to me.."
And it was hard to hide my tear filled eyes. Just thinking about it now even makes me a bit sensitive. Paul is a sweet man. Emmit is too.
I love that whole damn family.
Things are fine with Sam and I. I talked to Becky about it all and technically I was supposed to talk to her at work today. But things seem fine so I felt it would be okay if I just let it go. If a problem arises again then I'll take care of it. Until then I need to pick my battles.
Oh, so school is going just fine. My ASL teacher is pretty fast, but he seems nice. Portly older man. Reminds me of Santa. Plus we wore the same shirt the first day of class- that's got to be a good sign right? Pilates was fantastic and I wish I did it like 5x a week. Can't wait to see results. Plus having 2 classes in a row with Sophie is a huge plus.
Digital Art and Design is also one I'm looking forward to. Haven't done too much that I didn't already know, but I'm excited for InDesign and other programs we will be using.
In other news but still related to current topic- I'm retarded.
Long story short, I got there 10 minutes early, and also missed my Human Sexuality class. How is that possible you ask? Well, I was under the impression that my class was on Thursday nights 6:30-9:35.. but I was wrong. You know what other day of the week starts with a 'T'....yeah, Thursday.
So I missed my class.
I emailed my teacher apologizing and explaining what happened. She was very understanding but still dropped me from the class. Gave me an add code but when I tried to go apply it- it was still as if I was in the class.
So now I need to go and talk to someone in counseling to get everything back to how it should be.
Then go and see her in her office to learn a weeks worth of material in 1 hour. Then go to the class right after that.
Remind me why I like college?
~ hoping I don't need to get a HS book (Court said I didn't need it)
~ I feel like I'm forgetting something.....
That's how I've been feeling lately. Like I'm constantly forgetting something important. Or things I need to do. My head is full of things that are out of place a bit.
I need to make a list so I can cross stuff off. Feel like I'm accomplishing things. Physically see and hold it. It's a completely mental thing for me, but it's how I work.
I still feel like I was going to say something but I can't remember for the life of me..
Whatever.. ugh.

Well, as promised. those are the best of the best shots from our getaway. I feel like we didn't take many once in Santa Monica but I'll remember it all.
I met Bella and Stephanie. Both are the sweetest and the most easy to get along with.
They have a cute simple apartment in Westwood/Santa Monica. Which I am very jealous of.
They have a good thing going on over there.
Hmmmm.. not sure what else should/needs to be said?
I guess if I remember I know where to go.
I suppose I should get to bed.
until next time.