whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


The little green monster is coming out and I really want it to go away.
I'm not really envious, I have you.
But seeing that there is still contact being made and it's somewhat hidden is worrisome. But not really even, I understand you are friends but when it kinda seems like you don't want me to know that's when my stomach get queezy.
I hate myself for starting to get like this. This isn't who I am.
Yeah you guys snap chat. Or comment or like photos on Facebook or Instagram.. (And I think it's wise that she doesn't follow either of us any longer and it's great that she has found someone new) I just need to remind myself you guys stayed friends. And Sam and I did not. Not that I'm in anyway jealous that you remained friends with an ex and I didn't- it's not that at all.
I guess I just am a little jealous.
We never snap anymore. And it sounds fucking stupid to be getting even the slightest bit upset over but like I've said before- I 100% trust you. I just can't trust her. Not with her personality and past/current/continuing disorders.

And so many changes are happening right now in my world like the official move into the new house and trying to get a new job. Not to mention the thought of you leaving me for a month.

It's a shit ton to really grasp. And I'm doing my best to keep up but I really would rather have her not be something I need to worry about. And that is so selfish of me to even say- I know. But this is my safe place and I need to say it.

If you would just openly tell me that you guys are talking regularly, I would be fine. I would have no choice but to grasp that and understand. Sure it may be kinda hard to hear but at least you had the guts to be honest with me. I can't even be completely honest with you.. I have to come to a fucking blog and write how I feel in hopes of you reading it. I'm still nervous and I get a sick feeling in my stomach when her name is brought up. I'm sorry but it's the truth.

I just spent the day with you. You went back to your place since you work in the morning and I went to mine. But I already miss you. I feel like I'm overdoing it sometimes and borderline klingly and that freaks me out. I hate those kind of people.. And now I worry I may be too smothering. But I have never felt so attached and protective of another person before. I was the kind of person who had never seen a healthy relationship so I didn't believe love existed. And now I feel this.. This strong desire for you. I love you Emmit. So much it hurts sometimes. And I scare myself sometimes thinking about the future and even the present but I just know I want you in it. 100%.
As much as you'll have me in it.

I don't want to be jealous. I want to just love you. I tell myself to just put my little feelings in the back of my head when it comes to you and her, but now I'm just scaring myself. And I need you to tell me I'm fine. We are totally fine (although I already know) and that she is nothing to worry about. I just need you to tell me what is going on in that head of yours. Just talk to me. Tell me whatever, even if it may be something I don't want to hear, because at least then I won't make up my own stories and then have to go to bed and have bad dreams like I have been.

Stop Monica. Just stop. Your relationship is fine. Don't put shit in places when there is nothing wrong.