whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Friday, July 27, 2012


I want to spend a day with my dog. I want to take a road trip to the ocean and let Scout experience it. I sometimes forget how special she is. Just the fact that she is there and thinks everyday..I'm her whole world..
She is my best friend and deserves a day to have fun.

Too bad I work close to everyday of my life.

Today Ashley at Tribal Weaver said I should bring in my resume ASAP. Meaning they may be hiring soon. Which is just another thing on my plate. I want to be a supervisor, and I need space.
I'm not sure what to do anymore.
School needs to just get here so I can focus on that.

eBay is taking over my life. I need to just save my money. Ha..

Today sucked though, Katherine is getting on my nerves more than ever. Holly is considering and/or making her a supervisor along with myself and Corrie? Honestly- Corrie would make a great supervisor. I'd be iffy and Kat would be a joke.
Today she just does so much little shit that anyone shouldn't be doing regardless of their rank. But whatever. I don't want to dwell on it.

I want my tattoo so badly. I need it as a constant reminder that I can keep doing all this. That whatever happens I can continue to just keep on.

Ever since I had my ortho appt a few days ago and got rubber bands my mouth has been less then fun to open and/or talk with. Especially when attractive boys come into work.

.... Egroeg..

Last night after my post I had to open my ambient noise app and had to just listen to the ocean to fall asleep.
I've always been an ocean girl, ever since I can remember. My mom probably has all of them but in my baby pictures you will find ones of me at Glass Beach in Fort Bragg. I haven't been there in ages. But I remember I always loved it. I should find out how far away it is.. I smell a road trip. Before school starts I need some ocean in my skin.