whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Have you ever looked at someone's lips as they spoke? Or even on television. I'm watching Happythankyoumoreplease and it hits me. I'm not looking at Charlie's eyes or his hair, I'm not even focusing in what he's saying, simply the the motion of his lips.
And then I recall earlier in the week I-out of nowhere-was thinking of all the movement in my mouth. Like each thing my tongue does when I'm driving or just sitting there. I thought up a picture in my head as though there was a camera in the back of my throat and I got to just watch it.

Everyone is leaving Caroline's.
Mel basically.

And it saddens me. But I can only be so sad, I need to be happy for them. And this gives me the chance to meet new people through work.
I hope the Lydia gets hired and/or Rachel. If even for a little while.

Where did Autumn go? And when can I have it back? I don't like whatever season this is. It's too hot and sweaty. People smell bad and look all moist. It's awful. The only good times are on the water I guess and that can only happen so often with work.
Oh well, summer comes and goes, I guess I just wish it would hurry the hell up.

The fourth of July was the other day. And to celebrate I pierced my tragus. (I know, about time.) but I am very happy with the outcome. And I went shopping today and spent more money than I should have but oh well.

It's too fucking hot.