whatever will be. will be.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this just yet, but nice to meet you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I hate it when I'll try and post something on my phone, I get distracted and then it doesn't save it as a draft. I have to physically press the DRAFT button. Ugh.

Time to catch up on my daily occurrences.

Had a "Day-Date" with a new friend, Calla.
She is lovely and so was the day that we spent together. 
Went to Nevada City, where I then purchased some socks and books.
We then drove to La Bou and had delicious sandwiches, then proceeded to
go thrifting down the road.

Time to REWIND:
At La Bou guess who I saw, and ended up following us to the Thrift Store..
You guessed it, none other than Cru.
And the trusty teddy bear: JC.
Now- I'm not going to look too far into it or anything, but when I see someone such as Cru so far out of town then I take that s a sign of some sort. 
Yes, I guess you could say I believe in Fate. Still not exactly sure as to what that is precisely..  but in my own head I understand what it means.
And to me, that was a perfect example of fate taking over. Putting 2 great people I hadn't seen in forever
and placing them at the exact right time and place as me.
How often does that sort of thing happen? Not often.

But again, not looking too far into it.
Just something that was worth noting.

Now in other news: On the 4th of January something wonderful happened.
Jack came into my life.
Don't get too excited..
Jack is not a human being.. no not at all.
He is none other than my new blue Rav 4.
Man oh man! He is fantastic. Automatic windows and doors, reclining back seats, smooth driving and shifts, functioning A/C & Heat, etc.
He is a 100% upgrade from Cassie.
As excited as I am for Jack, I did make some memories with Cassie.
(The next few sentences are rated PG-13)

  • First blow-job.
  • {never thought that would ever happen, ever.}
  • First time I'd ever been completely naked in from of someone that wasn't family.
  • {and that hasn't happened since I don't know when..}

She was my first car! I got her completely out of shock on my 16th birthday.
I couldn't even drive yet?
She was reliable up until last winter. She got me from A to B and wherever else I needed to go.
{which wasn't many places.} But still..
I will be sad to see her go.

~Out With The Old, In With The New~

This past week has been odd.
I saw people I missed.
Text Austin all night a few days ago.. That was.. nice.
Saw Tiz yesterday and exchanged Christmas gifts.

Old people are coming back in the picture.
How am I supposed to feel about that?

I have so many thoughts running through my head that I should just type right here right now
But I can't. I feel like I should keep them to myself and just store them in the back of my mind for a bit.

Only can go 1 of 2 ways.
So I guess we shall see.

I'm freezing.
I have
  1. Books to read
  2. Showers to take
  3. Cars to clean
  4. Laundry to do
  5. Banks to be withdrawn from
  6. Pillow cases to return
  7. Financial Aid to be filled out
  8. And probably things I'm forgetting..
So I really better be going.
Until next time,
